[D-m-team] Bug#519645: debian-maintainer changes

Aníbal Monsalve Salazar anibal at debian.org
Sat Mar 14 00:02:41 UTC 2009

Package: debian-maintainers
Version: 1.53

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 02:39:48PM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
>with the changes we had lately in core teams, we might want to look at
>changing the Uploader line of the d-m package to reflect reality?
>We currently have:
>Joey Hess 
>Anthony Towns 
>Anibal Monsalve Salazar 
>Christoph Berg 
>James Troup 
>Joerg Jaspert 
>Ryan Murray 
>Wouter Verhelst 
>Bernd Zeimetz
>in there.
>From those, I think, at least Ryan should be removed (no longer
>ftpmaster or in any other team that is taken for this).
>Mark Hymers should be added, as a new FTPMaster.
>Jonathan McDowell should be added, as a new Keyring-maint.
>When doing this, we will have:
>Joey, Anthony   - jetring developers
>Christoph       - DAM
>James, Jonathan - Keyring-maint
>Wouter, Bernd   - FrontDesk
>Joerg           - FTPMaster, DAM
>Mark            - FTPMaster
>Anibal          - Err, for what reason?

At http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/11/msg00005.html
(titled "Bits from the DPL: officialising delegations") it reads:

  And finally, Anibal Monsalve Salazar <anibal at debian.org> was added to
  the Debian Maintainer Keyring team[3] under the rules of the DM GR
  ("Changes to the team may be made by the DPL under the normal rules
  for delegations").

>Does this sound right? Do all persons listed want to be in? (Assuming at
>least the "old" ones read the d-m list, CCed noodles/mark as possibly new).
>bye, Joerg
><DarkRider> also dies ist so ziemlich der einzige chanel wo ich meist 0 peile
><DarkRider> ich schreibe etwas dann rennen se alle gegen die wand und schreien aua
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