[D-m-team] International Journal Human-Machine Interaction.

Association Tunisienne IHM ihm at setit.rnu.tn
Sun Mar 23 19:15:48 UTC 2014


    This is to inform you that the deadline for submissions to the second volume of the International Journal of Human-Machine Interaction (IJHMI) has been extended till 15/04/2014.

    All papers are to be submitted electronically via the following link: http://asdfjournals.com/ijhmi/ijhmi-submission/

    The International Journal on Human Machine Interaction(IJHMI) published by Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties in conjunction with the Tunisian Association of Human-Machine Interaction and the Research Unit : SETIT, University of Sfax, Tunisia is a Peer-Reviewed, Open-Access Journal devoted to publishing research papers in all fields of Computer Science Technology and areas close to the thrust of ASDF. 

    More information can be found at : http://asdfjournals.com/ijhmi/ 

    The first volume of the IJHMI could be downloaded freely at : IJHMI-1/2013 


Pr Med Salim BOUHLEL
Editor in Chief of IJHMI
President of the Tunisian Association IHM

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