[Da-tools-commits] ./debian/userdir-ldap r433: ud-info: fix changing of DD status/DD status comment - we were missing prompt information so we got a backtrace.

Peter Palfrader peter at palfrader.org
Tue Jul 8 07:44:46 UTC 2008

revno: 433
committer: Peter Palfrader <peter at palfrader.org>
branch nick: userdir-ldap
timestamp: Tue 2008-07-08 09:44:46 +0200
  ud-info: fix changing of DD status/DD status comment - we were missing prompt information so we got a backtrace.
  ud-info: Warn when we don't have a prompt string for attributes on startup.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- a/debian/changelog	2008-06-23 20:59:32 +0000
+++ b/debian/changelog	2008-07-08 07:44:46 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+userdir-ldap (0.3.XX) unstable; urgency=low
+  * ud-info: fix changing of DD status/DD status comment -
+    we were missing prompt information so we got a backtrace.
+  * ud-info: Warn when we don't have a prompt string for
+    attributes on startup.
+ -- Peter Palfrader <weasel at debian.org>  Tue, 08 Jul 2008 09:44:39 +0200
 userdir-ldap (0.3.33) unstable; urgency=low
   * add "security simple_bind=128" to sample slapd.conf.

=== modified file 'ud-info'
--- a/ud-info	2008-05-25 23:29:09 +0000
+++ b/ud-info	2008-07-08 07:44:46 +0000
@@ -116,7 +116,10 @@
               "labeledURI": ["Web home page"],
               "jabberJID": ["Jabber ID"],
               "icqUin": ["ICQ UIN Number"],
-              "VoIP": ["VoIP Address"]};
+              "VoIP": ["VoIP Address"],
+              "accountStatus": ["DD status"],
+              "accountComment": ["DD status comment"],
+              };
 # Create a map of IDs to desc,value,attr
 OrderedIndex = {};
@@ -125,6 +128,10 @@
       OrderedIndex[AttrInfo[at][1]] = [AttrInfo[at][0], "", at];
 OrigOrderedIndex = copy.deepcopy(OrderedIndex);
+for id in OrderedIndex:
+   if not AttrPrompt.has_key( OrderedIndex[id][2] ):
+      print "Warning: no AttrPrompt for %s"%(id)
 # Show shadow information
 def PrintShadow(Attrs):
    Changed = int(GetAttr(Attrs,"shadowLastChange","0"));

=== modified file 'userdir_gpg.py'
--- a/userdir_gpg.py	2007-12-26 20:49:42 +0000
+++ b/userdir_gpg.py	2008-07-08 07:44:46 +0000
@@ -368,10 +368,15 @@
             Why = "Unable to verify signature, signing key missing.";
 	 # Expired signature
-	 if Split[1] == "SIGEXPIRED" or Split[1] == "EXPSIG":
+	 if Split[1] == "EXPSIG":
 	    GoodSig = 0;
             Why = "Signature has expired";
+	 # Expired signature
+	 if Split[1] == "EXPKEYSIG":
+	    GoodSig = 0;
+            Why = "Signing key (%s, %s) has expired"%(Split[2], Split[3]);
 	 # Revoked key
 	 if Split[1] == "KEYREVOKED" or Split[1] == "REVKEYSIG":
 	    GoodSig = 0;

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