[Da-tools-commits] ./da-tools/userdir-ldap-common r360: update doc/slapd-config.txt

Peter Palfrader peter at palfrader.org
Wed May 14 22:45:15 UTC 2008

revno: 360
committer: Peter Palfrader <peter at palfrader.org>
branch nick: userdir-ldap
timestamp: Wed 2007-12-26 16:45:04 +0100
  update doc/slapd-config.txt
  labeledURL was removed from the schema but not the slapd.conf example.  Doing
  that now.  Patch from mhy.
    revno: 349.2.5
    committer: Mark Hymers <mark at hymers.org.uk>
    branch nick: userdir-ldap-common
    timestamp: Wed 2007-12-26 14:26:27 +0000
      labeledURL was removed from the schema but not the slapd.conf example
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- a/debian/changelog	2007-12-26 08:44:42 +0000
+++ b/debian/changelog	2007-12-26 15:45:04 +0000
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
     configured HostBaseDn [HE].
   * Add myself to uploaders.
   * Set shadow expiry to 1 for locked accounts [mhy].
+  * update doc/slapd-config.txt: labeledURL was removed from the schema but
+    not the slapd.conf example.  Do that now [mhy].
- -- Peter Palfrader <weasel at debian.org>  Wed, 26 Dec 2007 09:44:24 +0100
+ -- Peter Palfrader <weasel at debian.org>  Wed, 26 Dec 2007 16:44:13 +0100
 userdir-ldap (0.3.15) unstable; urgency=low

=== modified file 'doc/slapd-config.txt'
--- a/doc/slapd-config.txt	1999-09-25 23:14:22 +0000
+++ b/doc/slapd-config.txt	2007-12-26 14:26:27 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
         by addr= read
         by domain=.*\.debian\.org read
         by * none
-access to attrs=c,l,loginShell,ircNick,labeledURL
+access to attrs=c,l,loginShell,ircNick
         by dn="uid=admin,ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org" write
         by group="uid=admin,ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org" write
         by self write

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