[Da-tools-commits] ./debian/userdir-ldap r410: ud-replicate: sgran pointed out that if all we care about ignoring is EEXIST

Peter Palfrader peter at palfrader.org
Sun May 18 11:41:10 UTC 2008

revno: 410
committer: Peter Palfrader <peter at palfrader.org>
branch nick: userdir-ldap
timestamp: Sun 2008-05-18 13:41:10 +0200
  ud-replicate: sgran pointed out that if all we care about ignoring is EEXIST
  then we should use mkdir -p instead of [ -d userkeys ] || mkdir userkeys.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- a/debian/changelog	2008-05-17 14:15:26 +0000
+++ b/debian/changelog	2008-05-18 11:41:10 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+userdir-ldap (0.3.XX) Xnstable; urgency=low
+  * ud-replicate: sgran pointed out that if all we care about ignoring is
+    EEXIST then we should use mkdir -p instead of [ -d userkeys ] || mkdir
+    userkeys.
+ -- Peter Palfrader <weasel at debian.org>  Sun, 18 May 2008 13:40:04 +0200
 userdir-ldap (0.3.25) unstable; urgency=low
   * Make ssh-keys.tar.gz readable only by the user.

=== modified file 'ud-replicate'
--- a/ud-replicate	2008-05-17 13:41:13 +0000
+++ b/ud-replicate	2008-05-18 11:41:10 +0000
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
   export TMPDIR='/tmp/'
   tempdir=$(mktemp -d)
   tar -C "$tempdir" -xf ${HOST}/ssh-keys.tar.gz
-  [ -d userkeys ] || mkdir userkeys
+  mkdir -p userkeys
   chmod 755 $tempdir
   rsync -a --delete-after $tempdir/ userkeys/

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