[Da-tools-commits] ./da-tools/userdir-ldap-cgi-python r14: Deploying a new libformat.

Robin Wittler real at geek-at-work.org
Sun Jan 25 18:00:02 UTC 2009

revno: 14
committer: Robin Wittler <real at geek-at-work.org>
branch nick: userdir-ldap-cgi-python
timestamp: Sun 2009-01-25 19:00:02 +0100
  Deploying a new libformat.
  changing the controler to do some sorting (its just a prototype).
  adjusting the machine template to call the new libformat crap.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'ud_ldap_ng/controllers/udldapng.py'
--- a/ud_ldap_ng/controllers/udldapng.py	2009-01-22 21:50:03 +0000
+++ b/ud_ldap_ng/controllers/udldapng.py	2009-01-25 18:00:02 +0000
@@ -21,4 +21,7 @@
 		con = AnonymousDebianLDAP()
 		c.attributes = ['hostname', 'architecture', 'purpose', 'sponsor', 'status']
 		c.result = con.getDebianHosts(attrlist=c.attributes, adjust=True, default_value='')
+		sortby = request.params.get('sortby', None)
+		if not sortby or sortby not in c.attributes:
+			c.result = c.result.sortResults('hostname')
 		return render('/machines.html')

=== modified file 'ud_ldap_ng/lib/libformat.py'
--- a/ud_ldap_ng/lib/libformat.py	2009-01-22 21:50:03 +0000
+++ b/ud_ldap_ng/lib/libformat.py	2009-01-25 18:00:02 +0000
@@ -1,20 +1,85 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf8 -*-
-__version__ = '0.0.1'
+__version__ = '0.0.2'
 __author__ = 'Robin Wittler <real at geek-at-work.org>'
 __license__ = 'GPL3'
-def formattxt(value):
-	for i in ('*', '@'):
-		value = value.replace (i, '')
-	if '[[' in value:
-		value = value.replace('[[', '')
-		if '|' in value:
-			value = value.split('|')
-			value.extend([i for i in value.pop().split(']]') if i])
-		else:
-			value = [i for i in value.split(']]') if i]
-	return value
+import re
+compiled_regex_type = type(re.compile(''))
+re_debian_url_markup = re.compile('^(?:\[\[)(.*?)(?:\|(.*?))?(?:\]\])(.*?)$')
+map_dict = {'*': lambda x: x.replace('*', '', 1),
+			'@': lambda x: x.replace('@', '', 1), 
+			'www.d.o': lambda x: x.replace('www.d.o', 'www.debian.org'), 
+			'~': lambda x: x.replace('~', '', 1)}
+def is_markup_string(txt, markup_regex=re_debian_url_markup):
+	'''checks if a string matches the given markup_regex. If so
+	it returns the found markups as tuple or returns False if not.
+	@param txt				the string to check
+	@type txt				str
+	@param markup_regex		the markup scheme to use
+	@type markup_regex		compiled regex
+	@return					tuple or False
+	'''
+	if not type(txt) == str:
+		raise TypeError('txt must be type str')
+	if not type(markup_regex) == compiled_regex_type:
+		raise TypeError('markup_regex must be type compiled regex')
+	result = markup_regex.findall(txt)
+	if result:
+		return result[0]
+	else:
+		return False
+def is_public(txt, hidden_symbol='-'):
+	'''checks if a given string should be public visible.
+	If first char matches the hidden_symbol, then it should propably not
+	visible. (I think the better way is to store such informations direct in the ldap,
+	because thats why ldap exists (do it e.g. with attributes or with acl). 
+	Returns True or False.
+	@param txt				the string to check
+	@type txt				str
+	@param hidden_symbol	the char that should mark the string as public unvisible
+	@type txt				str with len of 1
+	@return					bool
+	'''
+	if not type(txt) == str:
+		raise TypeError('txt must be type str')
+	if not type(hidden_symbol) == str:
+		raise TypeError('hidden_symbol must be type str')
+	if not len(hidden_symbol) == 1:
+		raise ValueError('hidden_symbol must have len of 1')
+	if txt.startswith(hidden_symbol):
+		return False
+	else:
+		return True
+def map_chars(txt, mapdict=map_dict):
+	'''maps the string txt with the given mapdict.
+	The values of the dict must be callable - they will be called with 
+	the string as argument and they should return a string - with the mapped
+	chars.
+	@param txt				the string to map
+	@type txt				str
+	@param mapdict			a dict with the functions
+	@type mapdict			dict
+	@return					str
+	'''
+	if not type(txt) == str:
+		raise TypeError('txt must be type str')
+	if not type(mapdict) == dict:
+		raise TypeError('mapdict must be type dict')
+	for key, value in mapdict.items():
+		if not callable(value):
+			raise TypeError('value of item %s in mapdict must be callable' (key))
+		txt = value(txt)
+	return txt
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-		pass
+	pass

=== modified file 'ud_ldap_ng/lib/libldap.py'
--- a/ud_ldap_ng/lib/libldap.py	2009-01-22 21:50:03 +0000
+++ b/ud_ldap_ng/lib/libldap.py	2009-01-25 18:00:02 +0000
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 		@type reverse			bool
 		@return					iterator
-		#TODO: This is all a bit ugly, please show me a better way to sort many dicts. ;)
+		#TODO: This is all a bit ugly, please show me a better way to sort many dicts by one key. ;)
 		if not type(keyword) == str:
 			raise TypeError('keyword must be type str, None or False')
 		if not keyword in cls.getAllAttrFromResults(cls.__results):

=== modified file 'ud_ldap_ng/templates/machines.html'
--- a/ud_ldap_ng/templates/machines.html	2009-01-22 21:50:03 +0000
+++ b/ud_ldap_ng/templates/machines.html	2009-01-25 18:00:02 +0000
@@ -48,27 +48,29 @@
+					<%! from ud_ldap_ng.lib.libformat import is_markup_string, is_public, map_chars %>
 					% for result in c.result:
 								% for hostname in result.get('hostname', ['Unkown',]):
-									${hostname}
+								${hostname}
 								% endfor
-							<%! from ud_ldap_ng.lib.libformat import formattxt %>
 							% for key in c.attributes[1:]:
 										% for value in result.get(key, ['Unknown',]):
-											<% value = formattxt(value)	%>
-											% if type(value) == str:											
-												<li>${value}</li>
-											% elif len(value) == 1:
-												<li><a href="http://${value[0]}">${value[0]}</a></li>
-											% elif len(value) == 2:
-												<li><a href="http://${value[0]}">${value[1]}</a></li>
-											% else:
-												<li><a href="http://${value[0]}">${value[1]}</a>${value[2]}</li>
+										<% results = is_markup_string(value) %>
+											% if not results:
+												% if is_public(value):
+													<li>${map_chars(value)}</li>
+												% endif
+											% elif is_public(results[0]):
+												% if not results[1]:
+													<li><a href="http://${map_chars(results[0])}">${map_chars(results[0])}</a>${results[2]}</li>
+												% else:
+													<li><a href="http://${map_chars(results[0])}">${results[1]}</a>${results[2]}</li>
+												% endif
 											% endif
 										% endfor

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