[Da-tools-discuss] Per user ssh key files patch

Andreas Barth aba at not.so.argh.org
Thu Dec 27 11:05:58 UTC 2007

* Mark Hymers (mhy at debian.org) [071227 11:59]:
> As some of you may remember, there was a discussion about using per-user
> ssh-key files instead of the current monolithic one.  The attached patch
> implements this.  This, along with the shadow patch I commited earlier
> today (and pam_mkhomedir), would allow us to move away from having to
> have a patched openssh.

I still think we need a patched openssh, as we want to have local
per-user files as well as to synchronized ones (in other words, I
totally hate how alioth overwrites my .ssh-files) - but the patch gets
smaller, which is good news.

BTW, I'm not sure that we actually need a chown if we can tell ssh "if
it is owned by root, it is ok as well", which is fair for the first step


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