[Da-tools-discuss] branches and stuff

Joerg Jaspert joerg at ganneff.de
Thu Dec 27 12:45:37 UTC 2007


current "policy" is to do as much as possible in the da-tools/*-common
branches, as we want to avoid having a similar situation we had in the
past - lots of code spread around various places (branches here),
possibly even depending on other branches/parts, making it hard to deal
with it.

But that shouldnt mean we should never branch, my suggestion for the
future, please comment:

We keep the rule that most stuff should be in -common, only things that
absolutely wont be possible to do in -common (without huge efforts) go
into -{oftc,debconf,farm} branches.

Then also:

While we usually work in -common, things that need lots of testing (like
Marks ssh changes now) should get their own branch, but that branch
should not be around forever. Develop in it, this one feature, then
merge it into "mainline", ie -common and remove the feature branch. All
the history will be in -common then and if needed we can get everything
back from that (if everything got merged).

As long as you keep the branches in da-tools/ we also have automatic
commit notices send out.

For debian merges: We should not care too much if -common is easy to
merge from for Debian. If it really gets to a point they refuse to merge
things from there we add debian/*-to-debian branches and merge changes
into that branch which we want them to get. But that hasnt happened yet.

bye Joerg
<dilinger> i just managed to procrastinate an extra 30 mins by reading
		   an article on how not to procrastinate
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