[Dbconfig-common-devel] dbconfig-common/doc dbconfig-common-using.html,1.8,1.9
Update of /cvsroot/dbconfig-common/dbconfig-common/doc
In directory haydn:/org/alioth.debian.org/chroot/home/users/seanius/tmp/cvs-serv1319/doc
Modified Files:
Log Message:
added support for a couple extra variables to control ownership/permissions
of include files generated by dbconfig-generate-include
Index: dbconfig-common-using.html
RCS file: /cvsroot/dbconfig-common/dbconfig-common/doc/dbconfig-common-using.html,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- dbconfig-common-using.html 17 Mar 2005 05:18:41 -0000 1.8
+++ dbconfig-common-using.html 1 May 2005 00:03:23 -0000 1.9
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<li><a href="#genconfig"> generating config files in other languages </a>
<li><a href="#updates"> database changes in new versions of your package </a>
<li><a href="#multidb"> packages that support multiple types of databases </a>
- <li><a href="#defaults"> hinting other defaults to the configuration process </a>
+ <li><a href="#defaults"> hinting defaults and advanced control of configuration/installation </a>
@@ -145,17 +145,20 @@
-using dbconfig-common, you can do this with little effort. in your postinst
-script, define the variable <code>dbc_generate_include</code> to a value
-that follows the form <code>format:location</code> where <code>format</code>
-is one of the supported output formats of dbconfig-generate-include (list
-them with -h) and location is the absolute location where you want
-your config file to go. <b>note: you will be responsible for removing this
-file in your postrm script</b>. when your scripts are run, this
-environment variable will be exported to your scripts, as well as a
-variable <code>dbc_config_include</code> which has the same value,
-but with the leading <code>format:</code> stripped away for convenience.
+using dbconfig-common, you can do this with little effort. in your
+postinst script, define the variable <code>dbc_generate_include</code>
+to a value that follows the form <code>format:location</code>
+where <code>format</code> is one of the supported output formats of
+dbconfig-generate-include (list them with -h) and location is the
+absolute location where you want your config file to go. there are
+also some extra variables <code>dbc_generate_include_owner</code>,
+<code>dbc_generate_include_perms</code>, and
+<code>dbc_generate_include_args</code> which do what you would expect
+them to. <b>note: you will be responsible for removing this file in
+your postrm script</b>. when your scripts are run, this environment
+variable will be exported to your scripts, as well as a variable
+<code>dbc_config_include</code> which has the same value, but with the
+leading <code>format:</code> stripped away for convenience.
<a name="updates">
@@ -251,36 +254,58 @@
<a name="defaults">
-<h4> hinting other defaults to the configuration process </h4>
+<h4> hinting defaults and advanced control of configuration/installation </h4>
dbconfig-common has a set of pre-defined default values for most of the
questions with which it prompts the user, most of which are variations
-on the name of the package. however, as a packager you can override
-these values and set defaults that you feel are more appropriate. the
-following table lists the variables you can hint in your config
-script. <b>do not set these variables in anything other than the
-.config script</b>
+on the name of the package. however, as a packager you can override some
+these values and set defaults that you feel are more appropriate, as well
+as otherwise modify the behavior of some parts of dbconfig-common.
+the following table lists the variables you can hint in your config
+script, as well as some other variables you can use to have a finer level
+of control over dbconfig-common. <b>you must use these variables exactly
+(and only) where directed in this table</b>
<th>variable name
+<th>location used
<th>default value
<td>name to use when connecting to database
<td>package name
<td>name of database resource to which to connect
<td>package name
<td>database types supported by the package
+<td>set the owner:group of include files generated by dbconfig-generate-include
+<td>set the permissions of include files generated by dbconfig-generate-include
+<td>arguments passed directly to dbconfig-generate-include