[Dbconfig-common-devel] dbconfig-common/debian dbconfig-common.templates,1.21,1.22
- Previous message: [Dbconfig-common-devel] dbconfig-common/debian/po ca.po,1.4,1.5 cs.po,1.4,1.5 da.po,1.7,1.8 de.po,1.16,1.17 es.po,1.8,1.9 eu.po,1.9,1.10 fr.po,1.9,1.10 it.po,1.16,1.17 nl.po,1.7,1.8 pt.po,1.9,1.10 pt_BR.po,1.7,1.8 templates.pot,1.14,1.15 vi.po,1.4,1.5
- Next message: [Dbconfig-common-devel] dbconfig-common/dpkg common,1.30,1.31 postinst,1.12,1.13 prerm,1.9,1.10
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Update of /cvsroot/dbconfig-common/dbconfig-common/debian
In directory haydn:/org/alioth.debian.org/chroot/home/users/seanius/tmp/cvs-serv2210/debian
Modified Files:
Log Message:
- spelling and grammar corrections in templates
- i made the paragraph about abort/retry generic enough that the same
paragraph can be used in each of the error templates
Index: dbconfig-common.templates
RCS file: /cvsroot/dbconfig-common/dbconfig-common/debian/dbconfig-common.templates,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -d -r1.21 -r1.22
--- dbconfig-common.templates 18 May 2005 19:49:38 -0000 1.21
+++ dbconfig-common.templates 18 May 2005 20:09:18 -0000 1.22
@@ -116,11 +116,12 @@
the upgrade in ${dbfile}.
At this point, you have the option to retry or abort the operation.
- If you choose "retry", another attempt will be made at performing the
- upgrade, "retry (skip questions)" to inmediately attempt the installation
- skipping questions. If you choose "abort", the upgrade will fail and
- you will need to downgrade, reinstall, or reconfigure this package,
- or otherwise manually intervene to continue using ${pkg}.
+ If you choose "retry", you will be prompted with all the configuration
+ questions once more and another attempt will be made at performing the
+ operation. "retry (skip questions)" will immediately attempt the operation
+ again, skipping all questions. If you choose "abort", the operation will
+ fail and you will need to downgrade, reinstall, reconfigure this package,
+ or otherwise manually intervene to continue using it.
Template: dbconfig-common/install-error
Type: select
@@ -132,9 +133,13 @@
- Choose "retry" if you would like to immediately attempt the installation
- again, "retry (skip questions)" to inmediately attempt the installation
- skipping questions, or choose "abort" if you would like to try again later.
+ At this point, you have the option to retry or abort the operation.
+ If you choose "retry", you will be prompted with all the configuration
+ questions once more and another attempt will be made at performing the
+ operation. "retry (skip questions)" will immediately attempt the operation
+ again, skipping all questions. If you choose "abort", the operation will
+ fail and you will need to downgrade, reinstall, reconfigure this package,
+ or otherwise manually intervene to continue using it.
Template: dbconfig-common/remove-error
Type: select
@@ -152,9 +157,13 @@
- If you choose "retry", another attempt will be made at removing the
- package's database. If you choose "abort", it will be up to you
- to remove anything left behind.
+ At this point, you have the option to retry or abort the operation.
+ If you choose "retry", you will be prompted with all the configuration
+ questions once more and another attempt will be made at performing the
+ operation. "retry (skip questions)" will immediately attempt the operation
+ again, skipping all questions. If you choose "abort", the operation will
+ fail and you will need to downgrade, reinstall, reconfigure this package,
+ or otherwise manually intervene to continue using it.
Template: dbconfig-common/remote/host
Type: select
- Previous message: [Dbconfig-common-devel] dbconfig-common/debian/po ca.po,1.4,1.5 cs.po,1.4,1.5 da.po,1.7,1.8 de.po,1.16,1.17 es.po,1.8,1.9 eu.po,1.9,1.10 fr.po,1.9,1.10 it.po,1.16,1.17 nl.po,1.7,1.8 pt.po,1.9,1.10 pt_BR.po,1.7,1.8 templates.pot,1.14,1.15 vi.po,1.4,1.5
- Next message: [Dbconfig-common-devel] dbconfig-common/dpkg common,1.30,1.31 postinst,1.12,1.13 prerm,1.9,1.10
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