[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: dbconfig common and dspam backend mysql / postgresql.

Matthijs Mohlmann matthijs at cacholong.nl
Tue Nov 15 09:45:17 UTC 2005

sean finney wrote:
> hi matthijs,
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 02:11:01PM +0100, Matthijs Mohlmann wrote:
>>Here are the sources: http://www.cacholong.nl/~matthijs/debpkg/dspam/
>>and attached the libdspam7-drv-mysql.conf. The password in this file is
> without actually installing it, i can say that it "looks" fine wrt
> invoking dbconfig-common.  what is the specific problem you
> were having?
When I start the installation for the mysql backend, it tries to connect
through localhost to the mysql server, while the mysql-server is running
on a different host. I never get asked for the host of the mysql-server.

> however, looking in the postinst, i see an oppurtunity to make
> your life much easier, and also a security-related issue.  here:
> # Create default config.
> cat /usr/share/doc/libdspam7-drv-mysql/mysql.conf >
> ... bunch of code ...
> you should consider using dbc_generate_include to autogenerate
> the config file.  see
> http://people.debian.org/~seanius/policy/dbconfig-common-using.html#genconfig
> for how this can be done.  there's also a manpage.  note that i'll soon
> be importing the information into debiandoc format, and as a reuslt
> the url may change later (in which case, i'll follow up here).
I need some examples how that is created, I take a look at your two
packages in /usr/share/doc/dbconfig-common/examples.

> later in your code, i see:
>       sed -i -e "s|^\(#\)\?\(# \)\?MySQLPass.*$|MySQLPass $dbc_dbpass|" $MYSQLCONFTEMP
> note that this means the password is passed on the cmdline...
> 	sean


Matthijs Mohlmann

PS: make a To: of the two mailinglists. Somehow the messages don't come
through at pkg-dspam-misc with a CC.

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