[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: Best practice for allowing access to a postgres db

Martin Pitt mpitt at debian.org
Sat Oct 1 13:52:16 UTC 2005


sean finney [2005-09-27  4:22 -0400]:
> what i meant was that when one calls pg_test_hba, one should be able to
> pass the exact connection method/params.  here are some examples:

Right, makes sense.

> pg_test_hba --add --method ident dbname dbuser
> pg_test_hba --add --ip w.x.y.z --method ident dbname dbuser
> pg_test_hba --add --method md5 dbname dbuser
> pg_test_hba --add --ip w.x.y.z --method md5 dbname dbuser
> pg_test_hba --remove ...

What is the purpose of --add/--remove?

> and i suppose --ip would default to if it needed to be used
> in making calculations.

My initial spec proposed that if --ip is not given, it defaults to
lcoal Unix socket authentication. This should be consistent with
pg_add_hba. What do you think?


Martin Pitt              http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer   http://www.ubuntulinux.org
Debian Developer        http://www.debian.org
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