[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: Best practice for allowing access to a postgres db

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Sat Oct 1 14:11:25 UTC 2005


On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 04:05:55PM +0200, Martin Pitt wrote:
>   Options:
>   --cluster: self-explanatory, defaults to default cluster

perhaps i'll need to make a modification to dbconfig-common to give
the admin the choice of cluster?  what would be the best way to
detect that, btw?

>   required pg_hba.conf line to stdout and exits with 1. If pg_hba.conf has a
>   scrambled format that cannot be parsed by pg_*_hba, the scripts exit with 2.

that would be a helpful feature too, so that again things could be
handled as intelligently as possible: "sorry, i can't understand the
file, so you'll have to do this yourself", as opposed to blindly
pushing forward.


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