[Dbconfig-common-devel] Questions about upgrading

Karsten Hilbert Karsten.Hilbert at gmx.net
Mon Jul 10 21:04:07 UTC 2006

On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 04:40:54PM -0400, sean finney wrote:

> > After all, if a package supports multiple database instances
> > in, say, different database engines and/or even in different
> > versions then it should really provide:
> > 
> >  gnumed-server-pgsql-0.1.deb
> >  gnumed-server-mysql-0.1.deb
> >  gnumed-server-pgsql-0.2.deb


> the tricky apps are the ones that are more tied into the underlying
> system, such as apps that need a seperate running daemon to talk to the db
> or a seperate user per instance, or something along those lines.
That's exactly why IMO such packages have the duty to ease
dbcc's burden by providing packages at the proper

> at some
> point this becomes nearly impossible to accomplish by dbconfig-common,
> but i think it's possible to get most of the way there, leaving the
> packager to work out the final specifics.

> if you're interested in hearing about what's going on with the
> multi-instance work that i'm doing, i can do a brain dump onto
> the list when i start doing the commits for it,
Sounds good.

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