[Dbconfig-common-devel] reconfigure tries to populate database again

Uwe Steinmann uwe at steinmann.cx
Tue Jun 6 14:54:20 UTC 2006


I'm using dbconfig-common for a postgres/php application. Most of
it is working, escpecially creating the database and its tables.
The problem arises when I reconfigure the debian packet.
I would expect that the database is only populated when it was
created but postinst tries to populate it even on a reconfigure.

Here is what I did. First, installing the package and next
reconfiguring it.

Replacing config file /etc/evita/dbconfig.php with new version
creating postgres user evita:  already exists.
creating database dbevita: success.
verifying database dbevita exists: success.
populating database via administrative sql...  done.
populating database via sql...  done.
dbconfig-common: flushing administrative password

ibook:/tmp# dpkg-reconfigure evita
dbconfig-common: writing config to /etc/dbconfig-common/evita.conf
Replacing config file /etc/evita/dbconfig.php with new version
creating postgres user evita:  already exists.
creating database dbevita: already exists.
populating database via administrative sql...  error encountered
populating database with administrative sql:
ERROR: function "plpgsql_call_handler" already exists with same argument
dbconfig-common: evita configure: aborted.
dbconfig-common: flushing administrative password
populating database via sql...  error encountered populating database:
ERROR: function "proc_updatetime" already exists with same argument
dbconfig-common: evita configure: aborted.
dbconfig-common: flushing administrative password
dbconfig-common: flushing administrative password

What makes it trying to populate the database a second time.

Im using the latest version of dbconfig-common in sid.


  MMK GmbH, Fleyer Str. 196, 58097 Hagen
  Uwe.Steinmann at mmk-hagen.de
  Tel: +2331 840446    Fax: +2331 843920
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