[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: Bug#397089: dbconfig-common: migration fails when dbconfig-load-include returns empty values

Matt Brown mattb at debian.org
Sun Nov 5 03:49:57 CET 2006

tag 397089 + patch

Matt Brown wrote:
> I think the solution to this bug is that dbconfig-common should check
> the output to dbconfig-load-include to ensure that valid answers were
> able to be extracted, and only load the answers into debconf if that is
> true. If nothing could be read from the existing config, the user should
> see a warning and dbconfig-common should proceed as if its a new
> installation (ask the user if they want to use dbconfig-common, etc).
> I'll see if I can come up with a patch to implement this behaviour.

Ok, patch attached. This changes the behaviour of dbconfig common in
three ways

1) If the dbconfig-load-include script fails to set dbc_dbtype it is
assumed to have failed and none of its return values are used.

2) The user is always asked whether they want to use dbconfig-common to
manage the database. Previously this only happened for new installs,
migrations were assumed to want to use dbconfig-common. I see no
justification for why the user shouldn't have a choice when upgrading.

3) dbconfig-load-include now runs before the state machine starts so
that the user can make a decision on whether to use dbconfig-common
based on whether or not the migration succeeded.

I think this is a reasonable solution to the problem. I've only filed
the bug as important as it breaks a subset of cases, but it would be
nice to get this fix into etch if possible.


Matt Brown
Debian Developer
mattb at debian.org
Mob +64 21 611 544 www.mattb.net.nz

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