[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: Important: how to handle this

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Fri Nov 24 17:30:50 CET 2006

hey patrick,

note i'm cc'ing this to the dbconfig-common mailing list, where followup
messages should go for posterity.

On Fri, 2006-11-24 at 15:08 +0100, Patrick Schönfeld wrote:
> Previous version of mantis is very old. It is 0.19 something. Therefore
> database has been changed. I need to handle this on installation, but
> how? Upstream Author is supplying a bunch of php scripts which i could
> call from command line with the cli interpreter of php. But maybe there
> is another way with your toolset? What would i need to provide, so that
> dbconfig-common can handle this good?

well, there are two ways this can be done with the help of

1 - dbconfig-common can run this php script for you with the proper
    database settings
2 - if the upgrade code could be summarized as a series of sql commands,
    dbconfig-common could run that instead.

if it's possible i'd recommend option 2, though if the changes between
the old version of mantis and the latest version are really big maybe
it isn't possible.

but in either case, parts of what you want to do are shown in the
examples packages in dbconfig-common.  

- the db-test-mysql v2.0/v2.1 packages show how you can set up a sql
  file to be run at upgrade (setting up a script to run isn't too 
  different, see the docs)
- the db-test-pgsql-migration v1.9/v2.0 show how you can migrate from
  a previous (1.9) version to a new version (2.0) that now uses 
- the db-test-mysql packages also show how to generate php format
  include files.  you're probably going to want to do that anyway,
  but you should be able to modify the php script that upstream sends
  you to source this file and use its settings.

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