[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: batch of fixes in 1.8.25

Finn Smith fcsmith at gmail.com
Sun Oct 29 21:06:47 CET 2006

On 10/23/06, sean finney <seanius at debian.org> wrote:
> > Bug #391997 - preseeding dbc_authmethod_user doesn't work with multidb
> >
> > This is still broken. I see the same errors that I outlined in the bug
> > report -- "ident" is recorded as the auth method in the
> > /etc/dbconfig-common directory and the same errors ("ident method
> > specified") are output during the installation process. Does it work
> > correctly for you?
> actually, it does... so i'm a little confused.  i've tested via dpkg and
> via apt (preconfiguring enabled) and they both seem to install okay.
> are you testing with the db-test-multidbtype package, or with your own?

I am testing with db-test-multidbtype on etch. I have mysql-server-5.0
(5.0.24a-9), postgresql-8.1 (8.1.5-1), and dbconfig-common (1.8.27)
installed, and did not do any additional configuration of the
databases beyond the default settings on the initial install from the
repository. I have the debconf priority set to "high". I copied the
contents of /usr/share/doc/dbconfig-common/examples to my home
directory. I didn't modify anything in db-test-multidbtype as it
already had the user auth set to password, but I did uncomment the
in db-test-pgsql-2.0/debian/config. I then ran the buildpackages.sh
script to build the packages.

Installing the package db-test-pgsql_2.0_all.deb with sudo dpkg -i
everything goes smoothly, the user and db are created correctly, and
/etc/dbconfig-common/db-test-pgsql.conf file is populated with the
correct values.

Installing db-test-multidbtype_2.0_all.deb with sudo dpkg -i results
in the same errors and problems that I described in the bug #391997.

Any ideas?


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