[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: dbconfig-common and debian-sys-maint

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Mon Sep 4 18:16:46 UTC 2006

salut georges,

On Wed, 2006-08-30 at 18:50 +0200, Georges Khaznadar wrote:
> we discussed in the pas about a feature I added to dbconfig-common. If
> the variable dbc_dbadmin was set to debian-sys-maint, the configurations
> scripts had to use the accreditations already present in the file
> /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
> I think that we arrived to an agreement, however I cannot find this work
> again in a recent version of the package. So I output once again a
> modified package, for the use of the association Ofset (www.ofset.org),
> in the particular package gnuedu (gnuedu.ofset.org).

iirc (though i can't seem to dig up the mail in question), after you
showed me how i could programatically test to see if debian-sys-maint
was available i proposed something slightly different than what you
are doing.

what i'd like to do is have dbconfig-common ask when being installed for
the first time on a mysql-using-box (testing for debian.cnf):

Use debian-sys-maint account for administrative uses?

mysql packages in debian include a default system user with
administrative privileges on the mysql databases.  If you select this
option, and if the user is able to connect with sufficient privileges,
this account can automatically perform database
installation/upgrade/removal actions without requiring a
password prompt....etc etc.

this way, the admin is prompted once for this for all installs, they
get an explanation of what's happening, they have the option of opting
out, and it's generally very clear what's happening.


ps - cc'ing this to dbconfig-common mailing list.
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