[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: Help: Skript is not called

Andreas Tille tillea at rki.de
Fri Feb 9 23:42:04 CET 2007

On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, sean finney wrote:

>>    /usr/share/dbconfig-common/scripts/gnumed-server-common/install/pgsql
> ^^^ this one should be it.  what's the value of $dbc_package set to?

You mean the first argument of dbc_go?

I use allways

if [ -f /usr/share/dbconfig-common/dpkg/config.pgsql ]; then
     . /usr/share/dbconfig-common/dpkg/config.pgsql
     dbc_go ${PKG} $@

> could you try that instead of gnumed-server-common?  maybe the docs are
> a bit ambiguous on that, but PACKAGE should mean what dbc thinks the
> package name is, not the actual package name.

This should not be the problem in my case.

Kind regards


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