[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: Status of "editing pg_hba.conf"

Andreas Tille tillea at rki.de
Thu Jan 25 13:25:03 CET 2007

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, sean finney wrote:

> i think at the time the general agreement was that any pg_hba.conf
> editing thingies would be in the domain of the postgres maintainer
> (pitti).


> *however*, i think at this point it's become more or less a moot issue,
> because (iirc) the default postgres configuration allows password-based
> authentication for connections on the loopback device, so applications
> requiring passwords should "just work" on the local host (if they don't,
> then there's a bug somewhere).

I'm afraid I do not really understand how to acomplish this.  My
intend was to include a line like

local/host              samegroup               +gm-logins              md5

into pg_hba.conf to enable users in

> and for remote password-connections,
> there's not much to be done there since it's beyond the scope of our
> abilities to edit files on the remote host.

Sure, but if i want to enable remote clients to access the local host?

Kind regards



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