[Dbconfig-common-devel] Bug#463100: bacula-director-pgsql: crash cause memory leak?

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Tue Jan 29 19:28:12 UTC 2008

On Tue January 29 2008 12:47:59 pm sean finney wrote:
> hi guys,
> yes, dbconfig-common creates a backup of the database before upgrading it.
> i'd swear at some point it was on my list to make it optional or
> configurable, but i don't think that's been done.  the tail of the culprit
> is in /usr/share/dbconfig-common/dpkg/postinst (search for "backup before
> we upgrade"), and can be dug up from that point.

A question about it might be useful.  The idea of making a backup is a sound 
one for small applications, but for a large one like Bacula, there may be no 
space on any disk for it.

> i'm open to suggestions for how to make this better, ex: debconf
> questions, configuration options, implementation details, etc.  also, if
> you have a less-memory-consuming dump command than what is being currently
> used, please do suggest it.

As for that, I'd suggest pg_dump, which already exists for this purpose.

-- John

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