[Dbconfig-common-devel] few questions

Nenad Tomasevic nenad.tomasevic at bnet.hr
Fri May 14 18:16:54 UTC 2010


first of all, excuse my bad english, I'm not native speaker.

I'm trying to apply as new Debian maintainer by putting Gestioip 
application in Debian.
Basically, GestioIP (http://www.gestioip.net/) is perl CGI's sitting on 
mysql database IP address management application with some additional 
features , developed by Marc Uebel.

I was doing some reading about web applications in Debian and seems that 
dbconfig-common is recommended way of managing databases during 
installation of package, so I've made package which is instalable with 

An now I have some issues;

- is it possible to make installation when database isnt on the same 
machine as web frontend?

My dbc_load_include_args looks like "--dbname=database_default 
--dbpass=database_password --dbuser=database_username 
--dbserver=database_hostname" but during installation there isnt any 
questions about database host and/or port..

-  I've was trying to get application use template file created by 
dbc_generate_include but there is no values for database host and port 
in that file which is a problem even with installation on localhost 
because application expects some value and I must edit that file with 
hand if I want to be used.
So is it possible to force dbconfig-commom to write those values?
Also, if nothing of the above isnt possible, is it very wrong to make 
package which will use already included postinstallation script  for 
configuring database over web interface after installation and not with 

Excuse me if these are stupid questions but actually I come from 
networking and not developing world and my developing skills are 
limited, but I'm learning in my spare time.
Thx in advance.



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