[Dbconfig-common-devel] dbconfig-common pressed question

Anthony L. Awtrey tony at awtrey.com
Wed Apr 13 20:56:00 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 03/13/2011 01:54 PM, Sean Finney wrote:
> For future reference it's probably best to send this type of mail to the
> dbconfig-common mailing list (i've gone ahead and added it).  While it
> will probably be the same people having the conversation, this way it
> might help the next person who comes across a similar type of problem,
> etc.

Thanks, will do!

> Hope that's helpful, give it a try and let me know how it goes :)

Your suggestion worked. When I install from PXE, I have the postinstall
script in that part of the process create the config file you mentioned
and then use a statement in rc.local to do the dpkg-reconfigure for me.

I've got two last issues that I hope someone can help me with. When I
set both the dbc_authmethod_admin and dbc_authmethod_user to "ident" in
the config script, I still get a debconf pop-up for template item
dbconfig-common/db/app-user even though passwords aren't being used.
I've looked at the code, but I can't tell how to set or preseed a value
to suppress it.

Finally, after I purge the package and then reinstall during testing, I
get a notification that the template file has local modifications. Of
course it was previously removed when I purged the package, but dbconfig
continues to report the file as "modified". Is there something I can set
or delete to suppress this?

You can see the config files in the debian directory here:


This is happening on a stock, up-to-date Squeeze load. Thanks!

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