[Dbconfig-common-devel] Read only access for all users to database

Kip Warner kip at thevertigo.com
Tue Jun 7 04:33:53 UTC 2016

On Tue, 2016-06-07 at 06:30 +0200, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Those pages are from the previous maintainer (and creator) and are
> outdated, the latest version is in the package at ¹. 

Thanks Paul. I'll take a look.

> Nevertheless, this
> page doesn't mention anything about being local or remote. As the
> location of the database is not something that the package maintainer
> has (or should have) control about, this is FULLY in control of the
> administrator installing the package. So, e.g. look at the
> description
> of dbconfig-common, it contains the following:
> """
>  It can:
>   - access local or remote databases;
> """
> .
> Furthermore, you should just try it out. Please install any package
> that
> uses dbconfig-common with either MySQL or PostgreSQL and install it
> with
> "DEBIAN_PRIORITY=low" set, or run dpkg-reconfigure on the package,
> and
> you will see the question about on which host you (want to) have the
> database.

I think we are talking about two different things. We both agree that
the client application when configured via dbconfig-common can access a
local or remote database. My question was about the package that
actually installs the schema into PSQL / MySQL and "hosts" the

Kip Warner -- Senior Software Engineer
OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred

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