[Dbd-firebird-devel] DBD-Firebird 1.11 is released with utf-8 and other bugfixes
mariuz at mariuz.android-dev.ro
Wed Sep 26 08:53:16 UTC 2012
Here is the download link with the list of changes
* Test::Exception is required add to notes
* On freebsd Threaded perl is required you have to re-install perl from
* ports and you have to select the config option that says 'build a perl
* with threads'
* Test database to use UTF8 charset and enable UTF8 for the connection
* Fix CHAR lenght when using multi-byte character set Fixes #32
* (RT#76506)
* additional debug when finishing already finished statement
* avoid double destroying of statement in auto-commit mode with DDL
* Fixes #30 (RT#72946)
As usual you can consult the git log
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