[Deb-imgs-gen-devel] debian-images-generator report for June 17,
Carlos Parra Camargo
cparra at emergya.info
Sat Jun 17 10:47:45 UTC 2006
This the 4th report of debian-images-generator project.
Things that have been keeping me busy this week:
- Added DebianInstallerCodeName field.
- Changed the way to access variables, conserve objconf way -> easier
to add new fields at config file.
- Added support to multiples mirrors (ExtraMirrors).
- Control mirror missing files (AptLogicIOError).
- Added Filename field at packages dictionary.
- New component: tree, it represents the tree of elements that it's
going to bein a media.
- Added methods to add and remove all packages from a section into a
FYI, i will be in Ubuntu Developer Summit in Paris. I'm sure i will
see a lot of DD there.
Carlos Parra Camargo
Emergya, Soluciones Tecnológicas
Tel. +34 954 98 10 53 FAX +34 954 98 11 79
Avda. Luis Montoto, 105
E41007 Sevilla
cparra at emergya.info
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