[Deb-imgs-gen-devel] Development

Julian Andres Klode jak at jak-linux.org
Tue Sep 4 16:40:35 UTC 2007

I am currently developing a similar program, called debimg.

The first version will work in the way dcdmake
[https://launchpad.net/dcdmake] works. It creates
one disc with installer and packages, and can also add preseed files.

I would like to continue the development of deb-imgs-gen, and merge
some parts with my own program.
I would prefer a decentralized VCS like Git or Bzr for this.

A few changes that would be made:
 - Remove as most task files as possible and calculate
   the lists during the build.
 - Use dependency resolver from python-apt
 - Recreate README files, to not need external program calls (cpp)

 - No external program calls, except for genisoimage
 - Fast, Stable, Secure, Easy, Small

Future Stuff:
 - Graphical User Interface(s) / Web Interface

debimg has more configuration options, like multiple mirrors
with custom mirror definitions. I attached an example.
Julian Andres Klode

IRC Nickname:   juliank (Debian/OFTC + Freenode, GimpNet)
Fellow of FSFE: https://www.fsfe.org/en/fellows/jak (No. 1049)
Debian Wiki:    http://wiki.debian.org/JulianAndresKlode
Ubuntu Wiki:    http://wiki.ubuntu.com/JulianAndresKlode
In Launchpad:   https://launchpad.net/~juliank
My packages:  http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=jak@jak-linux.org
Languages:      German, English, [bit French]
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# Configuration for debimg, the new dcdmake
# Will hopefully replace debian-cd at a later point.
# debimg - (C) 2007 Julian Andres Klode.
# This file is public domain, to the extent permitted by the law.

Architecture = i386
Outfile      = debian-testing-%(Architecture)s.iso

Keyrings = /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg
SignKey  =
AllowUnauthenticated = False

	# DerivesFrom is usually General
	SupportedSuites     = stable, testing, unstable
	SupportedComponents = main, contrib, non-free
	InstallerComponents = ,
	Location            = http://cdimage.debian.org/debian/
	SupportedSuites     = oldstable, stable, testing, unstable, experimental
	InstallerComponents = main, contrib, non-free
	Location            = http://security.debian.org/debian/
	SupportedSuites     = oldstable, stable
	SuiteSuffix         = /updates
	DerivesFrom         = Updates
	Location            = http://volatile.debian.net/debian-volatile/
	SuiteSuffix         = /volatile
	DerivesFrom         = Updates
	Location            = http://backports.org/debian/
	SuiteSuffix         = -backports

Sources    = Debian
Suite      = stable
Components = main
	Package = hal, pmount, rhythmbox
	Task    = desktop, xfce-desktop
	Essential = yes
	Priority = required, important
	Package = *openoffice*, *iceweasel*, *hplip*, gimp, gimp-print, xfmedia
Suite          = stable
Components     = main
ImagesLocation = http://cdimage.debian.org/debian/dists/%(Suite)s
	Package = *
	Kernel-Version = 2.6.18-4-*

oldstable    = sarge
stable       = etch
testing      = lenny
unstable     = sid
experimental = experimental

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