Keywords related to security in the package browser

Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 21:14:36 +0200

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On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 06:56:23PM +0200, Erich Schubert wrote:
> > Hi there Enrico,
> Actually you wrote to erich ;) but we're working on that project
> together.

Ah ok.

> > It would be nice if the "Security" packages were fine-grained even furt=
> > I would recommend dividing security packages further by adding the
> > following tags:
> IMHO the tags you are suggesting are too fine grained. Often they are
> just a combination of two tags, or they differ by a tag.
> But a couple of these tags will be added.

Ok. No problem.

> > - "Filesystem integrity": test the integrity of the system by storing=
> > filesystem information (MD5 hashes, file types.., aide, tripwire, samha=
> > and integrit fall into this category.
> I'm going to add this:
>  Tag: security::integrity
>  Implies: admin, security
>  Description: File integrity verification

Intgrity is fine.

> Maybe also add the "file" and "utility" tag? after all they are
> utilities (not creating new information) and operate on files?

They are all utilities and operate on files, but they create databases
with information on these.

> > - "Remote Vulnerability assesment": test remotely) the system for=20
> > vulnerabilities: nessus, raccess, whisker, nikto, bass, satan..
> > - "Local Vulnerability assessment": ditto locally: tiger, sxid
> These two seem to differ by the "net" tag.
> "sxid" fit's into the filesystem integrity section IMHO. I think it
> searches for suid files and checkes these for integrity.

Don't know about sxid, don't use it.

> by the description "tiger" is similar, so they probably should all go
> into "security::integrity".

Not tiger. Tiger does  check integrity (relies on external tools) but does=
local checks to test for security issues.

> I'm not yet decided, but i think the "remote..." should be tagged
> "admin, security, net, net::scanner"

'vulnerabilityassess' is better than 'scanner' (and more to the point)

> > - "Network scanner": network based security tests (not VA): nmap, xprob=
> > queso, knocker, strobe, hping2, nbtscan, icmpush, isic, fragrouter...
> whereas these should only be tagged "net, net::scanner" (and "util"...
> but the "application" vs. "util" thing is a real mess. we really need
> some task force for these.)

These are probably also "security,net, net::scanner"

> Suggestion:
>  Tag: net::scanner
>  Implies: net
>  Description: Network scanners

But add only those there, VA tools might use scanners but they have much=20
more than that.

> > - "Source code audit": Audit source code in different programming langu=
> > for vulnerabilities: flawfinder, rats, spling
> They fit into "devel::testing-qa" IMHO. They can be tagged

Sounds good.

> "devel::testing-qa, security" so they will form a subgroup "security"
> below "testing-qa" and a "software testing and qa" subgroup below "securi=


> > - "Virtual Private Networks": setup a secure network between two sites:=
> > vtun, tunnelv, cipe, vpnd, tinc, secvpn, pptpd, freeswan
> IMHO this doesn't belong into the security section, but deserves a tag
>  Tag: net::tunnel
>  Implies: net
>  Description: Network tunneling

Maybe "net::vpn" makes more sense. A VPN is not a tunnel, not always.

> Not all of them are actually "secure". these can be tagged "security" as
> well as "net::tunnel".
> > - "Antivirus tools": sanitizer, amavis-postfix
> suggestion:
>  Tag: security::antivirus
>  Implies: admin, security
>  Description: Anti Virus Scanner


> > - "Password cracking tools": john, crack
> undecided on these. cracklib and john are IMHO "authentification"
> related, so probably "admin, security, authentification" is enough.


> > - "Intrusion detection": snort, tiger, scanlogd, scandetd, portsentry,=
> > chkrootkit
> suggestion:
>  Tag: security::ids
>  Implies: admin, security
>  Description: Intrusion Detection Systems

That's ok.

> > - "Forensics": tct, fenris
> Hmm... hard to say actually. Guess they'll also get a new tag.


> > - "System Hardening": develop and maintain a bastion host: bastille,=20
> > harden-* packages.
> harden-* should be tagged "security, special::meta" Don't know about
> bastille.

Bastille is a hardening tool, i.e. will walk the user/admin through=20
configuration changes to lock it down. If it's going to be alone it does=20
not necessarily need a tag. If it does it should be 'harden'

> > - "Kernel hardening": Patches that can be introduced in the kernel to=
> > improve security:  lcap, kernel-patch-*-lids, kernel-patch-int,=20
> > kernel-patch-systrace, kernel-patch-*-openwall,  kernel-patch-*-lsm,  =
> > kernel-patch-*-grsecurity
> use "security, kernel" for these.

Maybe add 'harden' too?

> > Also, the 'admin' tag and the 'system' tag seem quite redundant to me. =
> > has taken me quite some time to figure out that the security-related=20
> > packages only came up in the packagebrowser until I filtered first by=
> > 'Administration and System Maintainance' and then by 'System software a=
> > maintainance' and then by 'Security'.
> Yes, they need some work. There needs to be a policy what they are
> actually for. IMHO it's about "system administration" (meaning software)
> vs. "user administraion" vs. "web administration" (if that goes into
> this "admin" section actually, and we don't add an web::webmaster
> section for that... ;)
> More work for the to-be task force.

That's a lot of work :-)

Should I add the tags to the packages I talked about or are you going to do=
it yourself? (i.e. mass change)



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