Trove vocabulary

Evan Prodromou
Tue, 09 Dec 2003 01:03:23 -0500

>>>>> "AdL" == Alex de Landgraaf <> writes:

    AdL> Seems to be quite a bit broader than the existing debtags
    AdL> vocabulary, lots of overlap. Extends it with license,
    AdL> audience and devel status categories. [...] How about dropping the
    AdL> current vocabulary for the trove categories? Would be a pity
    AdL> of the work already done, but having one 'standard' would be
    AdL> clearer...

Another option, obviously, would be to hand-merge the two
vocabularies -- probably to be done by whoever slurped the trove
vocabulary, or thinks that it's all great.

That is, simply add trove tags that don't match to existing debtags
tags. That way, none of the (tedious!) tagging work would be lost;
there would just be more tagging to do. With a couple of hundred trove
tags, merging new ones into the existing vocabulary should only take a
few hours.

I believe the trove vocabulary was originally ignored for some reason;
I can't remember why.


Evan Prodromou