New tagcolledit

Erich Schubert
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 00:00:05 +0200

Hi Enrico,
right now i'm working on producing a proper vocabulary from your data.
I don't know yet if i'll be able to finish that today (or even this
week, month.. :-( )

One small note: I think lisp is different from scheme. Lisp is kind of
ooscheme if i'm correct. So it's similar to scheme, like C++ is similar
to C probably. ;-)

Junior apps are not just games. Also learning software and in general
software so easy that it is easy to understand.

You have lots of old packages in your database, btw.

Ah, i'm mostly done... check out

with the new vocabulary being at

Please check out the list of used tags, too.

If you send me an updated vocabulary, please make sure it is complete.
For packages sending tagcoll-diffs is fine, as long as we have only one
authorative database (i.e. either you collect them or me ;-)
