New tagcolledit

Benjamin Mesing
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 18:45:41 +0200


I'm quite new to this list, so please forgive me if I state something
allready discussed or if I ask some stupid questions.

> You can load the attached faceted_db file with it to test the new
> querying system.  I'm loving it! :)
Cool, it responds very fast. 

Here are some things I've noticed:
There are very few tags (I actually found x11 and system on a quick
look), which where not qualified by a namespace. As I understood it,
This seems to break the default structure to me. Is there any reason for
doing this?
One question about the tag "devel::environment": Wouldn't the tag
"devel::ide" be a better selection as it is commonly known by
developers? Tools like kdevelop, lyx, ?emacs?.. could be added there -
but I guess this a task tagcolledit should be used for :-) 

I also have a technical question:

When the new tags come into effect, will there be a new version of
And if so, will it follow the same syntax as the old one? I think as the
implies section should be obsolete I will have to rewrite my code to
organize the tags in a hierarchy - what should not be too difficult.
@Enrico I use your debtags class Vocabulary there but it seems it will
need some (small?) modifications. Do you plan to do this?

Greetings Ben