Tag your packages

Enrico Zini zinie@cs.unibo.it
Fri, 30 Apr 2004 19:10:49 +0200

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I realized many developers don't still know that they can tag their
packages using debtags, nor how this can be done.  Part of it is because
things are not still as perfect as we'd like them to be.  However,
there is alredy some working tool, and I see no reason not to use it.

 * Tagging your package(s)

For every *binary* package you have, like, use or otherwise know fairly
well, you can do as follows:

 - Connect to http://debian.vitavonni.de/packagebrowser/edit.cgi?package=3D=
 - Have a look at the existing tags in the section "Currently attached
 - Have a look at the section "Tags that can be attached to this
   package" to see if something is missing

 * Understanding tag organization

Tags are grouped by "facet" or "namespace"[1] , which basically is a
different point of view from where to look at the package archive.
For example, you can look from the point of view of the use you make of
the package, or the technology used, or the kind of interface and so on.

You can select more than one tag from the same group, or even no tag
=66rom a group which is not relevant.

Some early documentation on facets can be found at

 * Missing/unclear tags

You may find that some tag you want to use is missing, or find some tags
not easy to understand or undocumented.  If you do, please don't
hesitate to write to deb-usability-list@lists.alioth.debian.org so that
we can add the tag, explain things and write documentation.

In the meantime, if you see that a package would fit in a given
facet/namespace but can't see how, you can use the facet::TODO tag to
mark it.

That's it so far.  More things are coming!



[1] we still haven't agreed on the term, and we have more important
things to do :)
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