debram 0.4.1

Hervé Eychenne
Sat, 28 Feb 2004 23:53:04 +0100

On Sat, Feb 28, 2004 at 09:12:35PM +0000, Thaddeus H. Black wrote:


> Once this has properly been accomplished, it is intended to withdraw the
> debram from the archive.


> While it may be true that the debram is the more
> complete system at the present time, it has
> become my view---I hope that it will become your
> view, too---that Enrico's basic debtags concept
> is founded more solidly and is the better
> concept: it has much more flexibility and is
> better suited to accommodate Debian's future
> growth.

It is so rare (even in libre (free as beer in French) software) to see
such fair statements... Thank you very much for that!
While there sure is much room for improvements in debtags, I'm sure
there's a great future for it.
The best future I would imagine is that Debian tags would eventually
no longer be Debian-only, but belong to a much wider database,
maintained primarily by libre software maintainers, or everyone else.
This would be part of a libre freshmeat, from which Debian or any
other distributions would fetch their data.
So I hope that when this big project really emerges in some time, Debian
will be as fair as Thaddeus and leave the database "leadership" to a
bigger picture.


(°=  Hervé Eychenne
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