Back to Usability! [Was: Re: CIA!]

Enrico Zini
Thu, 22 Jul 2004 18:19:57 +0100

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On Thu, Jul 22, 2004 at 02:46:52PM +0200, Michael Banck wrote:

> Well, I'm afraid this somehow slamms the door shut for any other kind of
> 'usability' discussions WRT Debian. Even now, this list looks rather
> like 'debtags-devel' than 'deb-usability-list', and if you add the
> cvs-commits for debtags to it, you sort of make it official.
> I don't say that's a bad thing (I think debtags are quite useful, but I
> don't see the connection to usability in more than a peripherical way),
> just that having a place to discuss usability issues in Debian would be
> nice as well.

On Thu, Jul 22, 2004 at 03:13:27PM +0200, Erich Schubert wrote:

> I think we should move the debtags stuff to a list of its own,
> and i actually dislike getting CVS/SVN commit messages unless i'm
> actively working on the project myself. Please post these to a separate
> list i could subscribe if i want to see them.

You all have convinced me.

I requested today the creation of a "debtags" alioth project and I
intend to move debtags things there.  I'll do it as soon as the project
will be created.

Seeing what kinds of mails CIA sends, I'd also like to trim their
contents: I intended to only have the commit log, not the full patch

The problem remains on how to discuss usability things on this list, as
we lack the critical mass to actually make things happen.  Some

 - use the list as something like for usability
   instead of security, where one could toss usability issues and then
   we collect them and make them more presentable and public to the rest
   of the community

 - following the previous point, using the list as a list for editors of
   a "Monthly Usability Report" in which we publish such raised issues,
   possibly aggregated and nicely presented

 - using the list for something smaller so that we can handle it, we
   could move discussions that need more attention to debian-devel,
   using a [usability] tag in the subject.

   One possible value point would be having the habit of spawning
   debian-devel threads with a mail that we create together in which we
   present some meat like rationale, thoughts, reports, data and other
   similar things that make the problems interesting to solve.

However, although I'm definitely committed to take part and help in all
this, I'm having problems following all that I already do and I'd like
other people to step forward and run some initiatives like these.



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