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Thaddeus H. Black t at b-tk.org
Mon Jul 18 15:06:19 UTC 2005

Gunnar Wolf:

> But then, you'd have to somehow distinguish things like Python, Perl
> and Java which effectively are compilers, but not in the sense every
> user expects it - devel::compiler::notreally?

You raise an interesting issue, Gunnar.  There is at least one
language---Haskell---which seems to be either normally compiled (ghc6)
or normally interpreted (hugs), depending on which flavor of Haskell you
are using.  To make it even slightly more interesting, to the extent I
understand the matter, the Haskell compiler (ghc6) depends on an
interpreter (Perl), but paradoxically the Haskell interpreter (hugs)
does not.

Thaddeus H. Black
Thaddeus H. White::notreally
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