[Debburn-devel] Re: Bug#390353: wodim: Writng to CD fails with "permission denied" on hard disk's sg device

Albert Cahalan acahalan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 15:32:25 UTC 2006

On 10/2/06, Lorenz Minder <lminder at gmx.net> wrote:
> Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > Now, I rewrote the code a bit more and ask for comments. It consolidates
> I can't test myself, as I'm not on Linux. But to me it looks good,
> asides from a minor nit:
> > +       // try to reopen locked/busy devices up to five times
> C++-style-comment.

No, a BCPL-style comment. C supports them since 1999,
but many compilers (including Visual C and gcc) supported
them long before the standard was passed.

Excellent! They are a tad more readable, a tad more compact,
and quite a bit easier to type.

If you have troubles on DeadOS, preprocess with this:

sed 's^//.*^^'

If need be, this can be added to the Makefile as part of the
preprocessing step. It can run immediately prior to the
C preprocessor. Probably you just need a compiler option.

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