[Debburn-devel] [PATCH] wrong check for grown files in mkisofs

Vladimir Nadvornik nadvornik at suse.cz
Tue Oct 3 16:00:51 UTC 2006


The check for grown files in write_one_file function is wrong.
It can fail with --macbin option, on writting files in MacBinary
format. These files consist of sequential parts and the write_one_file
function is used to extract individual parts, therefore the reading
does not have to end at the end of the file.

The attached patch removes the test for grown files. 

Vladimir Nadvornik
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Name: cdrkit-mkisofs-grow-check.patch
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Url : http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debburn-devel/attachments/20061003/d95867a2/cdrkit-mkisofs-grow-check.bin

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