[Debburn-devel] MD5 in icedax

Vladimir Nadvornik nadvornik at suse.cz
Thu Feb 8 14:01:01 CET 2007

Hi all,

The icedax sources directory contains files md5c.c and md5.h
which are under RSA license. Since md5 support is not functional,
these files are actually not needed and can be removed.
The attached patch fixes compilation without the files.
The option -M is kept for compatibility.

Vladimir Nadvornik
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o.                        e-mail: nadvornik at suse.cz
Lihovarská 1060/12                          tel:+420 284 028 967
190 00 Praha 9                              fax:+420 284 028 951
Czech Republic                              http://www.suse.cz    
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Url : http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debburn-devel/attachments/20070208/b3ce9eff/cdrkit-md5.bin

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