[Debburn-devel] how to get cdrkit news

Joerg Jaspert joerg at ganneff.de
Tue May 15 07:14:17 UTC 2007

On 11019 March 1977, Peter Samuelson wrote:

> [Sebastian Trüg]
>> is there some announcement mailing list which I can subscribe to to
>> always be informed about latest releases? That would creating
>> up-to-date mandriva packages easier. :)

> I don't think we announce releases in any official capacity, though I
> suppose that would be a good idea.  In practice what has happened is
> that Eduard finalises the changelog, then uploads to Debian.  (In the
> future Joerg Jaspert or someone else will probably take over this
> function.)

I usually submit a news entry in our freshmeat project entry. Not sure
that can generate a mail to you if a new item is submitted and cant test
as Im offline atm.

> You can get notifications of Debian uploads by going to the Debian PTS
> (package tracking system), at
> http://packages.qa.debian.org/cdrkit.Find the 'Subscribe' form, change
> the mode to 'Advanced mode', fill in
> your email address, then on the next page you can choose the events of
> interest to you.  I think the "upload-source" checkbox is what you
> want.

Thats one way, yes. If public demand is high enough I could also setup
an alias for it, i guess. Or we could simply send a little mail to this
list with the contents our "News" section on our website has.

bye Joerg
> Or write yourself a DFSG-free replacement for that piece of software.
Using the copy and paste method from the old source, obscured by 
irrelevant changes.
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