[Debburn-devel] Strange Problem with DVD Writing

Prasad H.L. hlprasu at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 21 00:06:14 UTC 2008

--- Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup at gmx.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> > I have one interesting problem with my Sony DVD RW
> Drive (AW-G170A).
> > After writing one CD using the drive, the drive
> refuses to write
> > DVDs.
> This is indeed interesting and worth a discussion.
> I'm a bystander here, not a member of cdrkit
> project.
> A first curious question:
> Are there known methods to reset the drive
> so that it burns DVD again ?
No idea! :(

> Does rebooting help ?
> Unloading and reloading of kernel modules ?

No, this doesnot help. In fact, I have tried a
complete power off of the system and power on with no

> > CDB:  54 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> > wodim: OPC failed.
> > As far as I could understand the error, it is a
> 'power caliberation
> > error'.
> Yep. The drive was ordered to perform own OPC,
> i.e. to adjust its physical calibration to the
> condition of the media.
> > wodim -v -speed=4 dev=/dev/dvd tsize=176s
> > Current: 0x0011 (DVD-R sequential recording)
> > WARNING: found a microscopic small track size
> (360448 bytes).
> >          Do you really want to write this image?
> Press Ctrl-C to abort...
> Is there a special reason why you use up a DVD-R for
> 352 kilobytes of data ?
> I doubt that any announced track size can spoil OPC.
> But i would also have doubted that burning a CD
> can spoil subsequent DVD burning.
> > Sense Key: 0x0 No Additional Sense, Segment 11
> > Sense Code: 0x00 Qual 0x02
> (end-of-partition/medium detected) Fru 0x0
> This error 0,00,02 is not listed in MMC-5.
> I wonder where the textual representation was found:
> "(end-of-partition/medium detected)".

Is MMC-5 available on the web? If so, please let me
know from where to download the same. I am rather
curious in understanding this protocol.

> Whatever, it comes from command SEND OPC which does
> not offer much variations. There is not much hope
> that the drive will skip OPC if this command is not
> sent. Drive firmware loves to do OPC.
> So other burn programs will hardly be able to avoid
> - if that is desirable at all.


> > wodim: Warning: controller returns wrong page 0
> for Ricoh Vendor Page
> > page (30).
> A "Ricoh Vendor Page" is not listed in MMC-5.
> Maybe its inquiry confuses the drive.
> This could be a reason to try other DVD burn
> programs:
> - growisofs out of
> - cdrskin out of
>   (this is my own burn program)
> growisofs has the longer experience with DVD,
> but is not compatible with cdrecord options.
> You run would rather look like:
>   growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -R temp3/
> which includes "genisoimage -print-size" and
> "genisoimage -R temp3/".
> cdrskin could perform your wodim/cdrecord 
> option list:
>   genisoimage -R temp3/ | cdrskin -v -speed=4
> dev=/dev/dvd tsize=176s
> where the "tsize=176s" may be omitted to get a
> different
> write mode. That mode is like -tao for CD, i.e. it
> does
> not get the track size in advance.
> Try it, just in case that 176s is a problem despite
> my opinion.

I try the above and let you know in my next post.

> Have a nice day :)

Wish you the same. I am glad that somebody replied for
the post.

I would like to re-iterate one thing, that this
failure  was observed on not just SONY's 'AW-G170A'
drive but also on another SONY's 'DRU-170C'.

> Thomas

With Regards,
Prasad H. L.

Prasad H. L.
Project Associate (with Dr. Shalabh Bhatnagar),
Department of Computer Science and Automation,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore - 560012

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