No subject

Wed Jul 30 17:08:51 UTC 2008

(is it really 1000? )

> For DVD+R you will have to risk one-time
> media. But they are quite harmless in their behavior
> and their write procedure is well described in MMC
> specs. (MMC-5 Recording on DVD+R ,
> The Host's Perspective).
> BD-R seem to be much like DVD+R. (Does anybody want
> to donate media and testing time ?)
> Be ready to reboot after the drive got stuck with
> a bad SCSI command sequence.
> The best testing device is an USB attached drive
> which can be reset by power off independently of the
> running system.
Thanks a lot.

My goal is to make it first work on regular files
files that I read in 2K blocks but write in 64/32K blocks.
I am very far from this goal, all I can do now is read partition table, and do basic
disk recognition.

Btw, when I finish the filesystem, I was planning
to write libburn... of course I wont, but I will extend your libburn to
add packet writing, and maybe more, you already saved me from burning lots of disks.

Its still long time till I finish it.

> Have a nice day :)
Have a nice day too, and thanks a lot.

> Thomas
Best regards,
	Maxim Levitsky

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