[Debburn-devel] genisoimage: preserve directory permissions

Steve McIntyre steve at einval.com
Sun May 18 19:52:31 UTC 2008

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 04:56:58PM +0200, Roman Rakus wrote:
>Hello all.
>I'm new maintainer of package cdrkit in fedora.
>There is a request to genisoimage to preserve directory permissions, 
>instead of setting "global permission". Will cdrkit accept this feature?
>More info you can find in bugzilla:  
>You can also find me on IRC (irc.oftc.net: #cdrkit: rrakus)

Hi Roman,

Yup, sounds like a very reasonable thing to ask for. Can you
forward-port the old patch to work with cdrkit please?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve at einval.com
"C++ ate my sanity" -- Jon Rabone

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