[Debburn-devel] LG CH08LS10 not burning CDs

Richard Hartmann richih.mailinglist at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 00:33:21 UTC 2010

On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 21:43, Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup at gmx.net> wrote:

> Try whether CDs with readable filesystem data
> mount automatically and/or run these shell
> commands:

Found this and killed it

  hald-addon-storage: polling /dev/sr0 (every 2 sec)

> Try to load the tray with the blank CD manually
> and wait a few seconds after blinking has
> stopped. Only then start the burn.
> (A disturbing program would hopefully be done
>  after a short while.)

I waited about 20 secs every time.

> A further indication of disturbing drive access
> by other programs would be if the drive burns
> DVD+RW and DVD+R without problems. They are not
> much prone to merry read attempts or a little
> fiddling with the drive settings.
> CD-R and DVD-R burns are more picky.

I have an age-old CD-RW I could play with (if it still
works) and a single DVD-RW which is just as old.

At the moment, I am burning an image onto the
DVD-RW at the blazing speed of 400-500 kB/s aka
0.30x speed.
See dvd-asus-ion_dvd-iso_defaults for that. Note that
I cancelled this burn to try the other media.
A burn run with a DVD-R is hanging at the moment so
I will go to bed now and try the CD-RW tomorrow.

> So the drive does not do with your media what
> other drives do flawlessly.

Yes, unfortunately.

> If possible, i would return it to the dealer
> and demand replacement.

If possible, I would like to avoid this. On the other
hand if I can be reasonably sure that it is in fact
a hardware defect, I will send it back on Monday.

> If not, try some different media brands.

I tried some cheap Maxell ones (cheap enough to waste
a dozen or two with various methods, now) and Verbatim

It is probably important to emphasize that the CD blanks
are _not_ usable after a test run, any more. I.e.,
_something_ happens.

> Well, LG does not state on its site how fast the
> drive shall be with CD.
> 24x speed is still a plausible limit. It might be
> that the drive is willing to write faster with
> media from a different manufacturer.

It wants to burn with 40x, but I learned the hard way to
always choose the slowest speed offered by any drive.

Also of note is that while the drive was on the 'Raid'
SATA port, I could not boot from CD. When I switched
over to the 'normal' SATA ports (with a new cable) I
could boot from CD.

All burn logs in this email are from this new setup.

Out interest, I tried the schily cdrecord as well.
See [1] and [2] for reference.

Thanks a lot!

[1] http://paste.debian.net/55474/
[2] http://paste.debian.net/55475/
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