[Debburn-devel] support for dvd-audio in mkisofs

Andrew Henry adhenry.9 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 09:05:47 UTC 2010


When will mkisofs gain support for burning DVD-Audio images?  I'm using
dvda-author at the moment and need to patch mkisofs to include support for
this feature.

dvda-author was first released 2005 and I assume people have been patching
mkisofs ever since then.

Is there a reason why this feature is not included in mkisofs or is it just
a case of the author of dvda-author never submitted the patch?


"mkisofs patches Three mkisofs patches are available to date for
dvda-author, which make it possible to run mkisofs without the -sort option:

   - Dave Chapman's initial
mkisofs (version 2.01)
   - Fab Nicol's patch
   a newer version of mkisofs (2.01.01a40) for DVD-Audio discs.
   - Jerome Brock's patch
a recent version of mkisofs (2.01.01a58) for DVD-Audio/Video discs,
   including a -dvd-hybrid switch as a comibnation of -dvd-audio and -dvd-video


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