[Debburn-devel] udev link vanishes if burn programs load the drive tray on Debian 6.0.2 amd64

Nicolas George nicolas.george at normalesup.org
Wed Sep 7 11:27:36 UTC 2011

Le nonidi 19 fructidor, an CCXIX, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
> But /dev/dvdrw vanishes on my Debian 6.0.2 amd64, if wodim or libburn
> load the tray. It comes back only if some program uses the /dev/sr
> device file to which the link should point.

Can you show the udev rules that are leading to this situation? I had a
similar problem some time ago, and the cause was that the udev rules were
reacting to the "add" events but not the "change" events.


  Nicolas George
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