[Debburn-devel] [PATCH] new option for isoinfo to generate cpio archive

Dick Streefland dick at streefland.net
Wed Oct 3 22:55:34 UTC 2012

The -x option of the isoinfo tool is one of the few possibilities to
extract files from an ISO image without having to mount it. However,
it is quite inefficient to extract large amounts of files this way.
The attached patch adds a new option (-c) to isoinfo to generate a
cpio archive and write it to standard output. When you pipe the
archive to cpio, you can extract (a selection of) the files in one go.

As far as I can see, this project is not very active, but perhaps this
change can be added to the repository when you think it is usefull.

BTW: I tried checking out the svn repository, but I keep getting
"please relocate" messages:

/home/dick $ svn ls http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debburn/
svn: Repository moved permanently to 'http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debburn'; please relocate
/home/dick $ svn ls http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debburn/
svn: Repository moved permanently to '/viewvc/debburn/'; please relocate

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