[Debburn-devel] iso creation Ignoring file with # character

Mike Grandmaison java97301 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 10 04:53:03 UTC 2013


First, great program!  Thanks for all the work on it !

I am having a problem creating an iso image with a file that includes a # character in the filename.

The following is my command 

$ mkisofs -r -J -l -d -allow-multidot -allow-leading-dots -no-bak -o myiso.iso /cygdrive/g/iso/myiso
Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.
I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)

This is on windows using cygwin.

$ mkisofs -version
mkisofs 2.01 is not what you see here. This line is only a fake for too clever
GUIs and other frontend applications. In fact, this program is:
genisoimage (CYGWIN)

Thank you for any help !

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