[Debburn-devel] isoinfo -x exiting immediately (status 0, no content on stdout) extracting a very large file

Charles Duffy charles at dyfis.net
Tue May 13 20:13:04 UTC 2014

Howdy --

I'm working with the publicly available ISO file available at
http://www.nsrl.nist.gov/RDS/rds_2.44/RDS_244.iso, which contains a 3.1GB

Smaller files on this image can successfully be extracted with isoinfo.
However, this file's true size is displayed by isoinfo -l, but attempting
to use isoinfo -x to extract it exits with a status of success without
writing any data.

I'm able to mount the image, and access the file's contents, using the
Linux ISO9660 driver. As such, I believe this to be behavior specific to

What's the state of the world? Are there patches or non-default options
available to address this case? Even in the event that support for large
files is not an available feature at this time, my expectation is that a
silent failure rather than exiting with a status indicating that an
extraction was not successfully performed probably constitutes a bug.

-- Charles
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