[Debconf-video-commits] r114 - package/trunk/conf
edrz-guest at alioth.debian.org
edrz-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Jul 30 00:23:26 UTC 2008
Author: edrz-guest
Date: 2008-07-30 00:23:25 +0000 (Wed, 30 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 114
Updated Plan, fixed ezstream typo, committing ext-master and relay icecast config.
apu icecast/ezstream config currently broken.
Modified: package/trunk/conf/DC8_STREAMING_PLAN
--- package/trunk/conf/DC8_STREAMING_PLAN 2008-07-29 22:05:26 UTC (rev 113)
+++ package/trunk/conf/DC8_STREAMING_PLAN 2008-07-30 00:23:25 UTC (rev 114)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
ezstream local playlist to lisa for dc8-int fallback mount
dvsink-command x 2
-lisa (dc-int-master) (orinen in edrz test settup) done, tested,
+lisa (dc-int-master) (orinen in edrz test settup) done, tested, commited
listens on 3 interfaces
v-t (sources): ezstream, dvsink-command salon_del_mar, dvsink-command microcine
int: serves int network
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
microcine: (relayed by krusty)
-krusty (dc-ext-master) (iobo in edrz test settup)
+krusty (dc-ext-master) (iobo-64 in edrz test settup) done, testing,
relays microcine & salon_del_mar via <master_relay> from lisa
relays fallback from apu
-apu (vende in edrz test settup)
+apu (vende in edrz test settup) currently broken
ezstream feeds fallback mount
fallback mount relayed by krusty
relays krusty's microcine & salone_del_mar
-other, non-apu relays (shadow-64 in edrz test settup)
+other, non-apu relays (shadow-64 in edrz test settup) done, testing,
relay all krusty mountpoints via <master_relay>
@@ -43,4 +43,5 @@
have to reconnect when the live streams fallback or when the fallback is
overridden. This is still better than viewers connecting to an
advertised mount and getting nothing, imho. (also a chance to raise
- awareness about this nearly universal client bug)
+ awareness about this nearly universal client bug -- they have the same
+ issues with static vorbis+theora ogg files that contain chained streams)
Modified: package/trunk/conf/ezstream-dc-ext-replay.xml
--- package/trunk/conf/ezstream-dc-ext-replay.xml 2008-07-29 22:05:26 UTC (rev 113)
+++ package/trunk/conf/ezstream-dc-ext-replay.xml 2008-07-30 00:23:25 UTC (rev 114)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- <url>http://abe.debconf.org:8000/replay.ogv</url>
+ <url>http://apu.debconf.org:8000/replay.ogv</url>
Added: package/trunk/conf/icecast-dc-apu.xml
--- package/trunk/conf/icecast-dc-apu.xml (rev 0)
+++ package/trunk/conf/icecast-dc-apu.xml 2008-07-30 00:23:25 UTC (rev 114)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ <limits>
+ <clients>300</clients>
+ <sources>10</sources>
+ <threadpool>10</threadpool>
+ <queue-size>2097152</queue-size>
+ <client-timeout>60</client-timeout>
+ <header-timeout>15</header-timeout>
+ <source-timeout>60</source-timeout>
+ <!-- If enabled, this will provide a burst of data when a client
+ first connects, thereby significantly reducing the startup
+ time for listeners that do substantial buffering. However,
+ it also significantly increases latency between the source
+ client and listening client. For low-latency setups, you
+ might want to disable this. -->
+ <burst-size>131072</burst-size>
+ </limits>
+ <authentication>
+ <!-- Sources log in with username 'source' -->
+ <source-password>#PASSWORD#</source-password>
+ <!-- Relays log in username 'relay' -->
+ <relay-password>#PASSWORD#</relay-password>
+ <!-- Admin logs in with the username given below -->
+ <admin-user>admin</admin-user>
+ <admin-password>#PASSWORD#</admin-password>
+ </authentication>
+ <!-- This is the hostname other people will use to connect to your server.
+ It affects mainly the urls generated by Icecast for playlists and yp
+ listings. -->
+ <hostname>apu.debconf.org</hostname>
+ <listen-socket>
+ <port>8000</port>
+ </listen-socket>
+ <fileserve>0</fileserve>
+ <relay>
+ <server>ext-master.video.debconf.org</server>
+ <port>8000</port>
+ <mount>/salon_del_mar.ogv</mount>
+ <username>relay</username>
+ <password>#PASSWORD#</password>
+ <on-demand>1</on-demand>
+ </relay>
+ <relay>
+ <server>ext-master.video.debconf.org</server>
+ <port>8000</port>
+ <mount>/microcine.ogv</mount>
+ <username>relay</username>
+ <password>#PASSWORD#</password>
+ <on-demand>1</on-demand>
+ </relay>
+ <mount>
+ <mount-name>/salon_del_mar.ogv</mount-name>
+ <fallback-mount>/replay.ogv</fallback-mount>
+ <fallback-override>1</fallback-override>
+ </mount>
+ <mount>
+ <mount-name>/microcine.ogv</mount-name>
+ <fallback-mount>/replay.ogv</fallback-mount>
+ <fallback-override>1</fallback-override>
+ </mount>
+ <mount>
+ <mount-name>/replay.ogv</mount-name>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
+ </mount>
+ <paths>
+ <!-- basedir is only used if chroot is enabled -->
+ <basedir>/usr/share/icecast2</basedir>
+ <!-- Note that if <chroot> is turned on below, these paths must both
+ be relative to the new root, not the original root -->
+ <logdir>/var/log/icecast2</logdir>
+ <webroot>/usr/share/icecast2/web</webroot>
+ <adminroot>/usr/share/icecast2/admin</adminroot>
+ <!-- Aliases: can also be used for simple redirections as well,
+ this example will redirect all requests for http://server:port/ to
+ the status page
+ -->
+ <alias source="/" dest="/status.xsl"/>
+ </paths>
+ <logging>
+ <accesslog>access.log</accesslog>
+ <errorlog>error.log</errorlog>
+ <loglevel>4</loglevel> <!-- 4 Debug, 3 Info, 2 Warn, 1 Error -->
+ <logsize>100000</logsize> <!-- Max size of a logfile -->
+ <logarchive>1</logarchive>
+ </logging>
+ <security>
+ <chroot>0</chroot>
+ </security>
Modified: package/trunk/conf/icecast-dc-ext-master.xml
--- package/trunk/conf/icecast-dc-ext-master.xml 2008-07-29 22:05:26 UTC (rev 113)
+++ package/trunk/conf/icecast-dc-ext-master.xml 2008-07-30 00:23:25 UTC (rev 114)
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
- <!-- Only relay servers should be connected. -->
- <clients>50</clients>
- <!-- Maximum number of relayed sources. -->
+ <clients>300</clients>
- <queue-size>524288</queue-size>
- <client-timeout>30</client-timeout>
+ <queue-size>2097152</queue-size>
+ <client-timeout>60</client-timeout>
<!-- If enabled, this will provide a burst of data when a client
@@ -15,18 +13,18 @@
it also significantly increases latency between the source
client and listening client. For low-latency setups, you
might want to disable this. -->
- <burst-on-connect>1</burst-on-connect>
+ <burst-size>131072</burst-size>
<!-- Sources log in with username 'source' -->
- <source-password><PASSWORD></source-password>
+ <source-password>#PASSWORD#</source-password>
<!-- Relays log in username 'relay' -->
- <relay-password><PASSWORD></relay-password>
+ <relay-password>#PASSWORD#</relay-password>
<!-- Admin logs in with the username given below -->
- <admin-password><PASSWORD></admin-password>
+ <admin-password>#PASSWORD#</admin-password>
<!-- This is the hostname other people will use to connect to your server.
@@ -42,9 +40,36 @@
- <master-update-interval>10</master-update-interval>
- <master-password><PASSWORD></master-password>
+ <master-update-interval>20</master-update-interval>
+ <master-password>#PASSWORD#</master-password>
+ <relays-on-demand>1</relays-on-demand>
+ <relay>
+ <server>apu.debconf.org</server>
+ <port>8000</port>
+ <mount>/replay.ogv</mount>
+ <username>relay</username>
+ <password>#PASSWORD#</password>
+ <on-demand>1</on-demand>
+ </relay>
+ <mount>
+ <mount-name>/salon_del_mar.ogv</mount-name>
+ <fallback-mount>/replay.ogv</fallback-mount>
+ <fallback-override>1</fallback-override>
+ </mount>
+ <mount>
+ <mount-name>/microcine.ogv</mount-name>
+ <fallback-mount>/replay.ogv</fallback-mount>
+ <fallback-override>1</fallback-override>
+ </mount>
+ <mount>
+ <mount-name>/replay.ogv</mount-name>
+ <hidden>1</hidden>
+ </mount>
<!-- basedir is only used if chroot is enabled -->
@@ -65,8 +90,9 @@
- <loglevel>3</loglevel> <!-- 4 Debug, 3 Info, 2 Warn, 1 Error -->
- <logsize>10000</logsize> <!-- Max size of a logfile -->
+ <loglevel>4</loglevel> <!-- 4 Debug, 3 Info, 2 Warn, 1 Error -->
+ <logsize>100000</logsize> <!-- Max size of a logfile -->
+ <logarchive>1</logarchive>
Modified: package/trunk/conf/icecast-dc-relay.xml
--- package/trunk/conf/icecast-dc-relay.xml 2008-07-29 22:05:26 UTC (rev 113)
+++ package/trunk/conf/icecast-dc-relay.xml 2008-07-30 00:23:25 UTC (rev 114)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<!-- Maximum number of relayed sources. -->
- <queue-size>524288</queue-size>
- <client-timeout>30</client-timeout>
+ <queue-size>2097152</queue-size>
+ <client-timeout>60</client-timeout>
<!-- If enabled, this will provide a burst of data when a client
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
it also significantly increases latency between the source
client and listening client. For low-latency setups, you
might want to disable this. -->
- <burst-on-connect>1</burst-on-connect>
+ <burst-size>131072</burst-size>
<!-- Sources log in with username 'source' -->
- <source-password><PASSWORD></source-password>
+ <source-password>#PASSWORD#</source-password>
<!-- Relays log in username 'relay' -->
- <relay-password><PASSWORD></relay-password>
+ <relay-password>#PASSWORD#</relay-password>
<!-- Admin logs in with the username given below -->
- <admin-password><PASSWORD></admin-password>
+ <admin-password>#PASSWORD#</admin-password>
<!-- This is the hostname other people will use to connect to your server.
@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@
- <master-update-interval>10</master-update-interval>
- <master-password><PASSWORD></master-password>
+ <master-update-interval>20</master-update-interval>
+ <master-password>#PASSWORD#</master-password>
+ <relays-on-demand>1</relays-on-demand>
<!-- basedir is only used if chroot is enabled -->
@@ -68,8 +69,9 @@
- <loglevel>3</loglevel> <!-- 4 Debug, 3 Info, 2 Warn, 1 Error -->
- <logsize>10000</logsize> <!-- Max size of a logfile -->
+ <loglevel>4</loglevel> <!-- 4 Debug, 3 Info, 2 Warn, 1 Error -->
+ <logsize>100000</logsize> <!-- Max size of a logfile -->
+ <logarchive>1</logarchive>
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